How to create a new Microsoft Exchange profile in Outlook

A profile is a critical part of your Outlook experience. The profile consists of the accounts, data files, and settings that specify where your email messages are saved. To create a new profile, do the following:

  1. Go to your windows Control Panel

  2. Choose the Mail (Microsoft Outlook) option. On your system it may me called just Mail.

  3. Select the Show Profiles option from the next popup.

  4. You may see a few profiles here. Do not delete any profiles, just click Add, then type in a unique profile name, then click OK.

  5. Ensure the Email Account option is selected, and enter your name, email address and password as received, and click Next.

  6. Outlook will search for your account settings and complete the setup. Depending on your connection this could take up to a minute.

  7. Once all ticks are green, click Finish.

  8. On the next screen near the bottom, click Always use this profile and select the new profile you just created.

  9. If you use multiple profiles, you can leave the Prompt for profile to be used selected.
  • exchange, outlook, profile
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